Parade Terms and Conditions


All parades in Omagh and anyone who takes part in a parade is subject to the Parades’ Commission’s Code of Conduct as laid down in the Public Processions (NI) Act 1998. These are legally enforceable guidelines and breaches can lead to prosecution. This type of law and its application to Pride parades is unique to Northern Ireland; it is a legacy of the Peace Process and governs parades and marches of any type or size.

This law makes Omagh Pride a heavily regulated Pride parade, however, this law applies to everyone and we have no choice but to follow this. Any breaches of the rules, even by one person, could lead to a range of restrictions and penalties on that person and the parade.

We want the message of equality to be the focus of the parade and to maximise the impact it has on the town and beyond. The Omagh Pride parade is a new parade in Omagh, the biggest cross-community parade in Omagh, the main event in the LGBTQIA+ calendar and the key event in Omagh Pride festival. It is important that we deliver this key event and keep everyone safe while delivering this important event for the LGBTQIA+ community in Omagh.


The parade is now a major crowd safety operation bringing additional requirements and regulations. All organised groups and their members need to play their part in making sure the parade runs smoothly – all need to apply and register so that we can ensure the parade complies with the legislation, the Terms and Conditions, and any additional advice from the PSNI and FODC Council.

Terms and Conditions

We have collected here the regulations from parading law, other relevant laws that apply including bylaws that apply to Omagh town centre as well as safety advice from: the PSNI, FODC Council, the Parades Commission as well as the experience of Omagh Pride from managing this event since 2021on behalf of the LGBTQIA+ community in Tyrone & Fermanagh.

The rules below apply to everyone taking part and there are additional rules that apply to Walking Groups and Floats. We want the biggest, most diverse, and representative parade that we can get. Individuals can join the parade without registering but we are obliged to check and register groups and they must follow the rules in this document.

We use the following definitions:

  • Entry – This is any walking group, float, or combination of these that is taking part in the parade.

  • Parade – The event as it and its members walk the chosen pre-arranged route.

  • Pride Officials – This covers members of the Omagh Pride Committee, key Event staff and nominated contractors. Pride Officials will assist the Parade Managers in running the Parade on the day and will be authorised to make decisions or refer to the Parade Managers as appropriate. You are required to follow all instructions from Pride Officials.

  • Stewards – This covers official Omagh Pride Team stewards who will help Pride Officials to manage the Parade.

  • Marshalls – All groups entering the parade will be required to provide a Lead Marshall and other Marshalls to assist with the management of entries according to their size. Marshalls must wear safety branding provided by Omagh Pride at all times and will be required to supervise their entry during the parade.

  • Float – This is any motorised or wheeled vehicle or any display item that is wheeled or towed in the Parade other than a stereo or amplifier. The Parade Manager or Official has the discretion to decide if an entry is a float.

1. Rules that Apply to Everyone

1.1 Each entry must have a Lead Marshall that Omagh Pride can liaise with – this is necessary so that Omagh Pride can communicate easily and reliably with the organisers of each entry. The Lead Marshall will be our main contact on the day and these details must be included on the application form. The Lead Marshall is the person who will take responsibility for the entry and must have sufficient authority within their own organisation to do this. The Lead Marshall must sign a form indicating that they have read this document, if this is not signed, the group cannot take part.

1.2 The Lead Marshall should communicate with the Parade Manager, responding to any queries or comments by email or phone.

1.3 The Lead Marshall must attend the Parade briefing meeting on Parade Day. The times will be confirmed by email prior to the events. If the Lead Marshall or a representative does not attend, the entry may be excluded from the Parade.

1.4 Every entry should have its own insurance cover. Every entry is required to sign a disclaimer indemnifying Omagh Pride of all responsibility of any damages or insurance claims that may occur as a result of taking part in the Parade.

1.5 Entries can use props, flags and banners. These will need to be approved before the Parade leaves. Loose ropes must not hang down from any entry.

1.6 Banners, flags and placards add to the parade but should not cause obstructions or other safety issues. Flags and banners must not be more than 4.57m high (15’) high and must not cause a risk or inconvenience to others. The Parade Manager has full discretion on this on behalf of Omagh Pride.

1.7 Omagh Pride is an event about LGBTQIA+ Equality – you are asked to respect this and not to not dilute our message by promoting causes not reasonably related to this. Banners, flags, and placards that are not reasonably related to the aims of Omagh Pride may not be permitted.

1.8 The Pride flag, flags promoting LGBT+ groups and LGBT+ identities taking part are the only ones permitted. Please do not bring any national, regional, or political flags of any type or any variations on these as they are not permitted – we want to stay focused on LGBT+ issues.

1.9 You may bring flags, banners, and placards for your own group to carry on the parade but you should not bring flags, banners and placards to distribute to other groups, participants or spectators. Please bring only what is needed for your own group. Omagh Pride will ask any group breaking this condition to stop and may ask the group to leave the parade.

1.10 No combat/military or similar clothing or paraphernalia suggesting paramilitary organisations or similar is permitted in the parade, this includes banners, flags and any other items.

1.11 Once the Parade has started, entries must not stop of their own accord and must only stop if instructed to do so by Omagh Pride officials or the emergency services, or if there are obstacles in the way, or for reasons of safety.

1.12 Fireworks, flammable goods, welding, flares, smoke flares, glitter guns, sparklers and any similar item are all prohibited as these can cause crowd safety issues including panic and crushes.

1.13 Omagh Pride has to follow FODC Council’s guidelines on Litter and Cleansing. Legislation bans the distribution of any free printed material in the town centre without a licence – any individual or group that tries to distribute any unapproved materials on the Parade may be told to leave the Parade. This includes flyers, brochures, postcards, business cards, balloons, stickers, and most other promotional material.

1.14 Anyone under the age of 16 in the Parade must be supervised at all times.

1.15 The parade is a public event for the whole LGBT+ family – you must not display nudity, simulate sex or a sex act, or act in any lewd way in the Parade. You must not dress in a way that will cause distress or upset in the Parade. This includes clothing that could be deemed to be overly sexualised. Parading legislation as well as Public Order legislation applies here.

1.16 Material that may be considered offensive (such as discriminatory material) will not be allowed in the Parade. If you have any doubts about what may be displayed, please contact the Parade Manager for clarification.

The parade is for all of the LGBT+ family and any group that seeks to deny the rights of any group in the parade will not be allowed to take part.

Comments relating to specific individuals and/or their beliefs or political opinions are strictly forbidden – libel and defamation laws apply to the parade as elsewhere.

Entries may display religious material, but this must be respectful and positive in nature and must be sensitive to the beliefs of other people taking part in or observing the Parade. Any religious material, including the use of religious imagery must be explicitly cleared by the Parade Manager in advance of the Parade.

1.17 Music being played should not contain swear words or explicit sexual references – this includes music played on floats and other parade entries. You will be expected to check this and able to certify what versions of songs you will be playing. The Parades Commission Code of Conduct applies to music played and the content of music. Breaching these terms and conditions may result in exclusion from this Parade or future Parades and action from the Parades Commission.

1.18 Laws on the public consumption of alcohol apply. No alcohol at all is permitted on any parade entry – Omagh Pride will check parade entries before the parade and will ask that any alcohol found is removed from the entry completely or the entry will not be allowed to take part in the parade and may be referred to the PSNI and/or FODC Council enforcement officials.

1.19 No alcohol at all is to be consumed during the Parade by spectators or participants – it is illegal to drink on the streets of the Town Centre as at any other time. Omagh Pride is responsible for enforcing this among parade participants and FODC Council enforcement officials and the police will enforce it outside the parade.

Anyone found with alcohol will be asked to surrender the alcohol or leave the Parade. Any float, which is found to contain alcohol or be supplying alcohol to participants, will be removed from the parade immediately and may be referred to the PSNI and/or FODC Council enforcement officials. The PSNI may also check floats and participants during the parade.

1.20 If anyone in your group is injured during the parade or if anyone is injured by your entry, your Lead Marshall must inform a Pride Official on the parade as soon as possible and no later than 30 minutes after the end of the Parade. First Aid is available at Main Street Car Park but in an emergency, call the Emergency Services first.

1.21 Omagh Pride will assess your application as quickly as we can.

1.22 Your application to take part in the Parade may be rejected for any reason at the discretion of  the Parade Manager. Appeals may be made to the Chair of Omagh Pride but please be aware that will be a Team decision discussed and approved by the Management Committee.

1.23 Any entry may have to follow additional rules or restrictions that the Parade Managers may need to apply. These additional rules may apply to all entries or to specific entries only.

2. Additional Terms for Walking Groups

2.1 All entries will be numbered and allocated a position in the parade in advance, this allocation is final. The parade is led by the Omagh Pride banner and LGBT+ community groups. Entries are organised and spread out by category to make the parade a better experience for all, positions are not allocated by size and cannot be bought or otherwise influenced.

2.2 Each walking group must supply a Lead Marshall who will be responsible for ensuring the safety of their group and reporting any issue to Omagh Pride Officials on the parade, additional Marshalls may be required depending on the size of each entry. This is an important crowd safety role and this should be the focus of the Lead Marshall.

Each Marshall will be required to wear the branded Hi Viz safety vest provided by Omagh Pride only and not any other. This will be strictly enforced to ensure the safety of all participants and will be checked at the parade assembly point – your entry cannot join the parade without this or if the safety vest is not worn properly. We require this as Omagh Pride or the PSNI may need to quickly identify the person with authority for a group in an emergency or crowd safety situation.

If a walking group has up to 10 people you must have one Marshall, who will be the Lead Marshall.

You must supply one more Marshall for every additional ten people. Marshalls are responsible for supervising an entry and crowd safety and should not be taking part in the entry by carrying flags, banners or other items.

2.3 At the Parade Assembly Point all groups will need to demonstrate they have the right number of Marshalls for their entry and each Marshall will need to wear Omagh Pride safety branding. The group will not be approved to join the parade until these conditions are met.

2.4 The parade is subject to the Public Processions (NI) 1998 and the Parades Commission Code of Conduct – this is a legacy of the Troubles and Pride parades here are included in how the law defines parades, marches, and processions the law applies to everyone taking part in the parade and can be enforced against breaches by individuals, groups and Omagh Pride.

The Parades Commission has the power to place restrictions on future parades which will affect the whole LGBT+ community. All participants should make their groups aware of the Parades Commission’s Code of Conduct, we would draw your attention to Appendix A governing conduct:

“All participants should: Behave with regard for the rights, traditions and feelings of others in the area of the parade. Refrain from using words or behaviour considered sectarian, abusive, insulting or lewd. Comply with the directions of the organiser, the stewards and the police at all times. Behave with dignity and respect in the vicinity of churches, war memorials, and cemeteries, in interface areas and where the majority population of an area are of a different tradition.”

– Parades Commission

2.5 Many participants in the Parade use microphones and sound systems. Microphones on sound systems must be wired to avoid interference with safety equipment. If you are intending to use a microphone, you must agree to follow guidelines and must get permission from the Parade Manager before the day of the parade.

No offensive language can be used at any time and anyone who does so will be removed from the parade immediately – please refer to 1.15 and 1.16 for guidance.

These rules are to make sure that the Parade is safe and enjoyable for everyone from the community and to comply with parading law.

2.6 Fireworks, flammable goods, welding, flares, smoke flares, glitter guns, sparklers and any similar item are all prohibited as these can cause crowd safety issues including panic and crushes. It is extremely important that this is reinforced to all members of your group verbally on the day as well as in advance.

2.7 Any decorative items or props used by a walking group must not cause a hazard for spectators. Entrants are expected to ensure decorations or props are kept within the parade route and managed safely along the route.

3. Additional Rules for Floats

3.1 All entries will be numbered and allocated a position in the parade in advance, this allocation is final.

3.2 The driver or drivers of a float must attend the Parade briefing meeting on Parade Day. The time will be confirmed by email prior to the event. If they are unable to do this, the entry may be excluded from the Parade.

3.3 The float driver must sign a form indicating that they have read this document.

3.4 If anyone on your float or any other participant or spectator is injured at any time by your float or any decoration, your Lead Marshall must tell the police and an Omagh Pride official as soon as possible. This may be classed as a road traffic accident and dealt with accordingly by the police. Decorations must be secure and safe.

3.5 Floats must not be more than 4.57m/5’ high, 2.59m/8’6 wide or 12.19m/40’ long.

3.6 Floats will be required to display a sign stating ‘Omagh Pride Festival Official Vehicle’ or similar text. This will be provided on the day and must be returned at the end of the parade.

3.7 No alcohol is to be consumed on or in any float at any point before or during the Parade. There should be no alcohol present on any float during the Parade. Anyone found with alcohol will be told to surrender the alcohol and may be told to leave the Parade. Additionally, the float may be removed from the Parade and may be referred to the PSNI and/or FODC Council enforcement officials.

3.8 There must be a 2-foot distance of any decoration from floats to the ground.

3.9 Smoke machines are not allowed on any float as these are a crowd safety risk during a parade.

3.10 FODC Council rules on the distribution of materials also apply to floats – see 1.12.

3.11 Helmets must be worn at all times on motorcycles, or any motor assisted bike.

3.12 Any child under 12 years of age traveling on a vehicle must be seated with a seat belt fastened and floats should be designed with this in mind or under 12s should not be part of that float.

3.13 People on or in a vehicle must not enter or exit a vehicle while in motion at any time during the parade. Floats must not stop to allow people to join or leave the float at any time – you should plan for any people on your float to remain there for the duration of the Parade, this means that no one can get off returning towards the Parade Assembly Point and everyone will stay on until the return to the starting point. Parade officials and PSNI will enforce this.

3.14 All float drivers must have a valid license and insurance to drive their vehicle. The license and insurance certificate will be checked on the day.

3.15 All floats should follow the Highway Code and road traffic regulations.

3.16 Each entry must supply people to act as Marshals who must walk alongside the float and who must wear the Official Omagh Pride Hi Viz Vests and not any other or any branding that obscures this vest.

If an entry has one float, two Marshalls must be supplied.

If an entry has two floats, four Marshalls must be supplied.

If an entry has three or more floats, contact the Parade Manager for details of how many Marshalls must be provided.

Marshalls are responsible for supervising an entry and should not be taking part in the entry by carrying flags, banners or other items.

3.17 Motorcycles – please contact us for advice if you intend to enter a single or multiple motorcycles into the parade. Non-motorised bikes – we welcome bikes as part of the parade, including groups. Please contact us or for advice on groups. For all bike entries, helmets must be worn at all times, bells must be fitted and working, for safety and banners or placards cannot be carried while riding the bike.

3.18 Omagh Pride will assess your application as quickly as we can.

3.19 If your parade application is refused, we will provide you with full reasons. You will have the right to appeal to the Parade Manager in the first instance and we will advise you on options for resubmitting. An entry may have to follow additional rules or restrictions that the Parade Managers may need to apply. These additional rules may apply to all entries or to specific entries only.

We look after the parade on behalf of our community and want to ensure we represent the community as best we can in managing the parade. Please note that any information deemed inaccurate may result in your application being unsuccessful. 

Please support Omagh Pride by donations – this helps make the festival happen.